Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I Believe!

I recently had my life turned upside down last year, and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

I had been going through life living what felt like a half life.  I had no faith.  I was brought up in the Methodist religion, but after my parents got divorced we stopped going to church. 

I was also raised to be very open minded, so it wasn't till my father passed away that I went into a state of pushing religion away from me.  But to be honest I was doing two things at the time; I pushed it away, but my heart secretly brought it closer.  My heart would not let me push it too far away, because it didn't want to think that my dad wasn't in a blissful place now that he wasn't with us anymore. 

Fast forward seven years, and now I have faith.  I'm still new to it, and it isn't like the faith most people have.  I believe in something different.  And trust me going through this experience I definitely questioned my sanity a time or two, because it is hard to go against the norm.  The best core values are there, but there's always been certain things about religion I couldn't wrap my head or heart around. 

I am telling you all of this, because this morning on a graphic explanation of something similar to what I believe was posted and I want to share it. 

You can find that here.

If you were curious and wanted to know exactly what I believe you can read this book

I won't ever down someone else's beliefs, and I hope that just because I may believe in something different than you that you would honor my beliefs and my right to form them as I see fit.  I hope you enjoy learning a different perspective!  Have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below! 


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