Even though it feels like the Universe decided to throw in extra temptation on me daily. Everyday around two-thirty or three o'clock in the afternoon my phone tries to sync up with Facebook, because I had it attached to my contacts. So about that time every day I go to see what time it is, or see if I have any messages, and there it is... mocking me... the Facebook login screen. Everyday I clear it, and say "NO! I will succeed in my challenge this month!"
I would have to say that I have broken
I had my friend handle my Palate Adventurers group, and while doing so she mentioned to me that everything was gone. It threw me for a minute, but after I thought about it it made sense. I started pretty much every line of conversation in that Facebook group, and without me it all just disapears. I would have made more announcements about my decision to take a Facebook hiatus, but I thought it through and I knew that they would just go away with me when I deactivated my account.
A few people got in contact with me to make sure I am alright (Thanks Friends!), and I hope that when I come back all questions will be answered. If I had a piece of advice to give about doing this it would be to start making announcements in advance about your departure just to save yourself some issues.
For my next 30 Day Challenge for March I will be working on my career for at least thiry minutes to one hour a day everyday. It can be anything ranging from the path I need to take, articles/blogs on the subject, or scholarship programs. I have a feeling by the end of March I will be much more prepared to take the path I am currently on!
Where did I get this idea? Well two places really...
1. The original post came from here 30 Challenges For 30 Days
2. And the idea to do one every month for all of 2012 came from here 12 Tips To Make 2012 Your Breakthrough Year
(These are actually two of my three new favorite websites/blogs!)
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