Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Beautiful Moment.

I found myself lost for a few moments this morning in the beauty of the sunlight coming through the leaves of the trees and hitting the tile floor that belongs in the 70's. 

It was absolutely beautiful and reminded me of the swirling of the gases in the universe, dust being carried on the wind, and the movement of water. 

So fluid and lovely.

Friday, February 24, 2012

30 Day Challenge - February - No Facebook

I am nearing the end of my February 30 Day Challenge.  No Facebook for the entire month.  I have done remarkably well I'd say!  I haven't even been tempted to cheat! 

Even though it feels like the Universe decided to throw in extra temptation on me daily.  Everyday around two-thirty or three o'clock in the afternoon my phone tries to sync up with Facebook, because I had it attached to my contacts.  So about that time every day I go to see what time it is, or see if I have any messages, and there it is... mocking me... the Facebook login screen.  Everyday I clear it, and say "NO! I will succeed in my challenge this month!" 

I would have to say that I have broken my addiction.  I do not have the constant problem of my mind wandering to what everyone else has got going on, and I am able to focus more on what I am doing or what I need to get done. 

I had my friend handle my Palate Adventurers group, and while doing so she mentioned to me that everything was gone.  It threw me for a minute, but after I thought about it it made sense.  I started pretty much every line of conversation in that Facebook group, and without me it all just disapears.  I would have made more announcements about my decision to take a Facebook hiatus, but I thought it through and I knew that they would just go away with me when I deactivated my account. 

A few people got in contact with me to make sure I am alright (Thanks Friends!), and I hope that when I come back all questions will be answered.  If I had a piece of advice to give about doing this it would be to start making announcements in advance about your departure just to save yourself some issues.

For my next 30 Day Challenge for March I will be working on my career for at least thiry minutes to one hour a day everyday.  It can be anything ranging from the path I need to take, articles/blogs on the subject, or scholarship programs.  I have a feeling by the end of March I will be much more prepared to take the path I am currently on!

Where did I get this idea?  Well two places really...

1. The original post came from here 30 Challenges For 30 Days
2. And the idea to do one every month for all of 2012 came from here 12 Tips To Make 2012 Your Breakthrough Year

(These are actually two of my three new favorite websites/blogs!)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Refocusing Your Mind

A friend of mine sent me this link, and said he thought I would like it! Well my friends he was right. Not only are these good to share on their own, but they are good to ask yourself from time to time to see where you are this very moment. It's always nice to know where you are. ;o) Well I thought it would be fun to share all my answers at this very moment. So Enjoy!! <3

1. Hula Hoop with the exercise hoop Britt gave me
2. Government 2301, and deciding the course of action I should take in regards to what I eat.
3. To pass my government test tonight (Small Scale), to be able to stay focused on my life path (Large Scale)
5. Without Facebook
6. Love
7. I am that feeling of joy you get when you win the lottery, buy a new car, or have a baby.
8. Love of food, and ability to convey ideas well through writing.
9. The spirit of Texas.
10. Hopefully I’ll be pregnant, or have just had my baby.
11. My Husband
12. Respect, Communication (Understanding), & Trust
13. Being me
14. To help the environment
15. Just a little bit of hard work
16. Listen to the Guru Gita/Meditate
17. Researching my career path
18. When I graduated high school and the time sped up.
19. Confrontational ones
20. Feel bad when they receive a gift
21. Know it all, or that I think I’m better than others (Which couldn’t be more far from the truth!)
22. My positive attitude!
23. Love
24. My Dad
25. Playing cards with my family in AZ
26. Learn to wake up earlier
27. NOW!
28. I am proud of the fact that I have come so far. I refuse to be a spectator in the movie that is my life!! I am the starring role damn it!
29. I learned that I really can do anything I put my mind to!
30. That we are all one, and we are made of Love.
31. Money
32. Everything happens for a reason!~
33. Break through all the bullshit, realize what is truly important, and love one another!
34. Be with someone younger than me.
35. Being a cat lady who lived downtown in a penthouse.
36. My time in Corpus going to school.
37. Be yourself, no matter what!
38. Love is all you need!
39. NO!
40. Why do I have to have such strong emotions?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Walking Adventure 02/18/12

I went for a very enjoyable walk on Saturday.  I found a new way I hadn't been before.  Finding myself now scouting areas to ride our newly purchased four wheeler.  This regretfully will not turn into a riding path, but it had the excitement of exploration nonetheless.  Below are the pictures...

I thought this appeared to me to be a ring of mushrooms.  Perhaps a place where the Fae might live?

A shot of a creek that runs behind a neighborhood.  A simplisticly beautiful sight.

The water was moving very fast, almost dancing, due to a recent rain.

I found this little creek to be very beautiful!

My first attempt to show the depth of these twisted vines.

I'd say my successful attempt to show the beauty of these vines.

A strange sight, but again beautiful in its own way.

I was attempting to show the 'to and from' of this little creek.  The way it would bend one way and then the next, but the debris at the bottom of the picture prevented this.  The angles of the two partially down trees however still creates a dynamic plurality

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I Believe!

I recently had my life turned upside down last year, and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

I had been going through life living what felt like a half life.  I had no faith.  I was brought up in the Methodist religion, but after my parents got divorced we stopped going to church. 

I was also raised to be very open minded, so it wasn't till my father passed away that I went into a state of pushing religion away from me.  But to be honest I was doing two things at the time; I pushed it away, but my heart secretly brought it closer.  My heart would not let me push it too far away, because it didn't want to think that my dad wasn't in a blissful place now that he wasn't with us anymore. 

Fast forward seven years, and now I have faith.  I'm still new to it, and it isn't like the faith most people have.  I believe in something different.  And trust me going through this experience I definitely questioned my sanity a time or two, because it is hard to go against the norm.  The best core values are there, but there's always been certain things about religion I couldn't wrap my head or heart around. 

I am telling you all of this, because this morning on a graphic explanation of something similar to what I believe was posted and I want to share it. 

You can find that here.

If you were curious and wanted to know exactly what I believe you can read this book

I won't ever down someone else's beliefs, and I hope that just because I may believe in something different than you that you would honor my beliefs and my right to form them as I see fit.  I hope you enjoy learning a different perspective!  Have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below! 


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Live with love +++++++++++++++++++

Life is beautiful. And love greatly magnifies that beauty.

Love has no reason. It is the reason.

Give love, and you have even more. Live with love, and you live with all the richness life has to offer.

Let yourself love sincerely, without expectation, just because that love flows naturally from who you are. Let go of the pretenses, fears and inhibitions, and live with the love that is at the center of you.

Live with love, and it brings out the best in you. Think, speak and act from a perspective of real, authentic love, and the result is genuine and growing fulfillment.

Live with love. For love will carry you forward like nothing else can.

Ralph Marston

See my widget on the side of the page to visit his site! :o)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brief Walk 02/22/12

Yesterday I took a moment and took a short five to ten minute walk and I observed this tree looking AWESOME! I love when the trees loose their leaves, because you get to see their bone structure. The twists and turns of the branches. Don't get me wrong I love them with their leaves as well! :o) My favorite season is Spring!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Breaking down the walls...

The link below is a link to a discussion board on  I'm not much of a discussion board person, because I find that it always seems to insite more drama than it does to bring like minded individuals together to have a conversation.  But there are exceptions, and discussion boards can bring out some very insightful information

This post is about cutting through the crapBreaking down the walls that we've built around ourselves to protect ourselves from the judgemental eyes of others.  I would love to do this challenge, but it doesn't feel right for me at this very moment, but someday I will!  Do you think you could handle completing it?  I'm pretty sure if anyone tries it, it would definitely change their lives!  Happy Reading!

If you are impatient, and don't want to read all of this... Here is a link to a speed reader application.  It will take a fraction of the time if you use it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Beauty at it's finest!

Enjoy this video... with an appreciation of nature, and a beautiful definition of love.