Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Poem: Dirtbike 830.2

There I sat upon my shelf
It was just me, I was by myself

When a bright, white light arose
And a question to no one I posed,

“Ahh, so bright! What is this?”
And then came a feeling of absolute bliss.

I could feel in my heart, a burst
All the bad feelings left, the worst

And on my shelf I did rise
I peered, and to my surprise

I was not alone after all
With the light that gave its call

Now I could see
It was never just me

There were many shelves, above and below
Filled with other little egos

All rubbing their eyes with might
Against the bright, love filled light

Now I am awake
No longer a flower I make

Filled with absolute love
Given from the beautiful light from above.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Great Perspective!

Face Your Fears!

Music Sharing - Living In The Moment by Jason Mraz

Love Drawing!

Let Go Of Your Fears

"Do something that scares you everyday. No matter how big or small your fear is, the only way to conquer it is to face it and do it. Fear is an illusion, make courage your reality. So talk to that beautiful stranger. Jump off that cliff. Take a train to nowhere. Ride that wave. Quit your soul depleting job and do what you love. Follow your heart. Skydive. Kiss that girl. Go to a place you've never 
been to alone and explore. Open up your heart to love again. Make your dreams bigger than your fears. You must always do what scares you. As each passing day makes you stronger and braver, your fears will vanish. Liberation from fear, is the most powerful liberation there is. Imagine what you can do, once you let go of your fears." - Stephanie Torres

Music Sharing - 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz