Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Daily Motivator

Let go of your ego

Your ego won't solve any problems. Your ego won't convince anyone of anything.

Your ego won't make you stronger or more skilled or more capable or more knowledgeable. Mostly, your ego will just get in the way of your true essence.

So choose to tap into your authentic power by choosing to let go of the concerns of your ego. Step purposefully beyond those superficial concerns and step up to a dramatically higher level of effectiveness.

Let go of your ego, and many of your fears and anxieties dissolve. Let go of your ego, and the positive possibilities become more numerous, more powerful and more accessible.

Without ego constantly dragging you down, you can focus on what truly matters. You'll find that one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself is to get past your concerns for yourself.

Let go of your small ego and see life's big, wonderful, valuable picture. Let go of your ego, and let your true beauty and goodness soar.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

Monday, August 27, 2012

Just Go With The Flow

"Just go with the flow." This simple phrase can either excite you or drive you nuts. 

If it excites you it means that you realize we have no control in this life. And that that is okay. 

If it scares you it means you like to have control over what is going to happen to you. 
You do and you do not have control. Life is full of conflicting theories. You create the world around you; so you have all the control in the world, but if you do not go with the flow of the river of life you will hit all the rocks along the way.

The way to dance this dance is to be prepared, but fluid. Work hard, but be okay when things do not go your way.

And of course the most important things are to be of love and enjoy the ride!

Phil from The Feel Good Lifestyle on How to Make Hard Work More Exciting

Ted Talk

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Daily Motivator

Living your purpose

The way to have a full and happy life is to live it every chance you get. The way to get beyond the excuses is to stop believing them and to start living your purpose.

Decide to see the obstacles as steps along the path rather than blockades. Let the challenges strengthen you, and let the disapp
ointments inspire you to push more purposefully forward.

Whatever the objective, whatever the dream, there is always a way. You can find it and you can live it by thinking and acting from the perspective of purpose.

You will never be truly satisfied by superficial trinkets and shallow pleasures. Remind yourself, again and again, to put your energy into what really matters.

You deserve much better than to constantly wallow in the distractions. You deserve the exquisite experience of bringing your beautiful, unique purpose to life.

Live today, and every day, and your whole life, like you mean it, and like it is the best you can imagine. Because when you do, it is.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shared by The Feel Good Lifestyle Facebook Page

"A little boy was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone.

His father came along just then.

Noting the boy's failure, he asked, "Are you using all your strength?"

"Yes, I am," the little boy said impatiently.

"No, you are not," the father answered.

"I am right here just waiting, and you haven't asked me to help you."

- Anon

Instant Calm! :o)

Bridging The Gap Between Men & Women

I wanted to share an article written by my favorite website

I have been anxiously awaiting to see progress like this lately.  It arms my heart that we are coming around as a society.  The thought of men and women not only understanding each other better, but using this understanding to promote the strengths of each of the sexes and creating a much better world.

Take the time to read it.  I was blessed to have my input on it requested.  There is a little bit of me in this article.  I hope you can open your mind to it, and realize we have far to go, but I feel we will be there sooner than we think.

The Article I Have Been Waiting To See

Monday, August 20, 2012

Always Be Ready

You never know when an opportunity will come, so remember to always be ready

This is why optimal health is so important. You do not want to find yourself down in the dumps when someone gives you a chance to do something amazing, and you decline to go for it due to a dip in your self worth. 

There can be no more excuses

If you are not being the best you right now; you will never know what opportunities you may have missed!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Life Lessons from Phil creactor of The Feel Good Lifestyle

Here are some lessons our friend Phil learned from having the amazing opportunity to attend The Bold Academy.

7 Life Lessons!

Also if you are curious what The Bold Academy is click here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let People Ask For Help

Do you know why some people are afraid to ask for help? 

It is because of the reaction they get when they ask for it. 

The next time someone asks you for your help instead of letting out a sigh or giving a cross look try to be positive about it. Try to act like there is nothing else in this world you would rather be doing than helping out the person in front of you. 

Maybe if we all gave this idea a chance not only will more people ask for help when they are overloaded, but also maybe a greater sense of community may start to arise.

Remind Yourself

Click Here To Be Reminded!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Creativity Ho!

We are put here for three reasons:

1.  To learn who you are, and celebrate it.
2.  To love and be loved.
3.  To create

 The link below will guide you to figure out how to work on the last one!

Help Yourself Get More Creative Here!

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Daily Motivator

Prepare and do

Make sure you're fully prepared, and then make purposeful and effective use of that preparation. Work on honing your skills, and then put those skills to meaningful use.

It's important to be able to make things happen and to make a difference. It's even more important to be clear and precise about the kind of difference you wish to make, and then to step forward and actually do


Excellence and achievement come from preparation, but not from preparation alone. After the preparation is done, then it is time for the performance.

It's easy to get caught up in making sure you have everything just right before taking action. Don't make endless preparation an excuse for never taking that action.

Practice is essential, and yet if practice is all you ever do, it is largely wasted effort. The reason you prepare and practice is so you can put it to good use.

Get yourself well prepared, and then get yourself busy taking action. Make your preparation count by doing the things you've prepared to do.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

Fatherly Wisdom

Don't sweat the small stuff, and it is all small stuff.

(I couldn't get this phrase out of my head this weekend. It really is the best way to help remind yourself not to get bogged down in the pettiness of the day to day. My father used to tell us this all the time when we were growing up. As well I saw someone say pretty much the same thing on fb this morning!!)

List of Life Changing Ted Talks has compiled a list of some of the more life changing Ted Talks out there.


Change Your Life Here!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hand Hugs All Around!

How do you make high fives even more awesome?!? End them in a Hand Hug! Here's how!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Coffee Shop Run-In of Amazing Proportions!

The setting is a coffee shop in Portland, OR.  I will leave the rest to the author of the article!

Amazingness Found Here!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Random Thought

I may just be a cog in the great machine that is the human race, but without me it just would not be the same.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Daily Motivator

Focused and relaxed

Focus intently on whatever you're doing, but not in a way that makes you uptight. Keep yourself relaxed about what you're doing, but not in a way that makes you careless.

Staying focused and staying relaxed do not have to oppose each other. In fact, they work extremely well together.

You can pay very close attention to what you do, while at the same time not letting it ge

t you all wound up. You can truly relax and enjoy the task while also giving your very best to it.

Don't think of being focused and highly effective as being something you must fight and strive to attain. Think of it as an extremely fulfilling, natural state, because that's precisely what it is.

Give yourself permission to enjoy and to relax into a powerful, authentic focus. Feel how great it feels to calmly perform at your highest level.

Choose to stay highly focused and peacefully relaxed. And enjoy the experience of being your very best.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

Awestruck Science

Enter The World of Awe Here!

And don't forget to check out all the rest of Jason Silva's awesome videos!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Snippet From The Daily Motivator

♥ One of my strengths I've always had! Do you have it? Remember what my mother always told me. "You can at least ask. All they can do is say no."


Persistence has power. With persistence, soft drops of water can wear away the hardest stone. With persistence, a tiny seed can grow into an enormous tree. With persistence, what seems to be impossible can in fact be achieved.

With persistence, the setbacks and obstacles are overcome, one by one. With persistence, you will get where you intend to go.

Persistence does not require a massive effort or special resources or exotic skills. To benefit from the power of persistence, all you must do is keep on going.